Color code according to DIN 47100

with color repetition from core no. 45

Electronic, control and data: stranded copper conductor

The first color is the color of the base insulation. Codes of the multi-colored identification are combined with a basic color and color of rings. Second and third color is printed on the basic color as a form of ring. The ring width is 2-3 mm. The less shrapened edges of the identification color are permitted. Cores are counted continuously through all layers in the same direction, from outer layer towards inside.

No. Color No. Color Číslo Color No. Color
1 white 18 gray/brown 35 green/black 45 white
2 brown 19 white/pink 36 yellow/black 46 brown
3 green 20 pink/brown 37 gray/blue 47 green
4 yellow 21 white/blue 38 pink/blue 48 yellow
5 gray 22 brown/blue 39 gray/pink 49 gray
6 pink 23 white/red 40 pink/red 50 pink
7 blue 24 brown/red 41 gray/black 51 blue
8 red 25 white/black 42 pink/black 52 red
9 black 26 brown/black 43 blue/black 53 black
10 violet 27 gray/green 44 red/black 54 violet
11 gray/pink 28 yellow/gray     55 gray/pink
12 red/blue 29 pink/green     56 red/blue
13 white/green 30 yellow/pink     57 white/green
14 brown/green 31 green/blue     58 brown/green
15 white/yellow 32 yellow/blue     59 white/yellow
16 yellow/brown 33 green/red     60 yellow/brown
17 white/gray 34 yellow/red     61 white/gray

Color code according to DIN 47100 for modified cores

without color repetition

No. Color No. Color Číslo Color No. Color
1 white 18 gray/brown 35 green/black 45 white/brown/black
2 brown 19 white/pink 36 yellow/black 46 yellow/green/black
3 green 20 pink/brown 37 gray/blue 47 gray/pink/black
4 yellow 21 white/blue 38 pink/blue 48 red/blue/black
5 gray 22 brown/blue 39 gray/pink 49 white/green/black
6 pink 23 white/red 40 pink/red 50 brown/green/black
7 blue 24 brown/red 41 gray/black 51 white/yellow/black
8 red 25 white/black 42 pink/black 52 yellow/brown/black
9 black 26 brown/black 43 blue/black 53 white/gray/black
10 violet 27 gray/green 44 red/black 54 gray/brown/black
11 gray/pink 28 yellow/gray     55 white/pink/black
12 red/blue 29 pink/green     56 pink/brown/black
13 white/green 30 yellow/pink     57 white/blue/black
14 brown/green 31 green/blue     58 brown/blue/black
15 white/yellow 32 yellow/blue     59 white/red/black
16 yellow/brown 33 green/red     60 brown/red/black
17 white/gray 34 yellow/red     61 black/white

Color Code JB

Color coded Control Cables JB and SY-JB with green-yellow protective conductor.

The combination of color identification up to 102 conductors consists of 11 basic colors. For number of conductors of 12 and more, one or two additional color rings or longitudinal stripes are printed on the basic color. The ring width is approximately 2 mm.

3 to 5 conductor cables
Color identification according to VDE 0293 for flexible cables
3 conductors = green-yellow/brown/blue
4 conductors = green-yellow/brown/black/grey
5 conductors = green-yellow/blue/brown/black/grey

6+ conductor cables
Color identification as per following table. The insulation of the conductor gives the first basic color. The second and the third color is printed on the basic color as a form of ring or longitudinal stripe. The conductors are to be counted continuously through all layers at the same direction, beginning with inner layer towards outside.

No. Basic Ring Colors No. Basic Ring Colors No. Basic Ring Colors
0 green-yellow 34 pink-blue 68 orange-white-black
1 white 35 orange-blue 69 transparent-white-black
2 black 36 transparent-blue 70 beige-white-black
3 blue 37 beige-blue 71 brown-white-blue
4 brown 38 gray-brown 72 gray-white-blue
5 gray 39 red-brown 73 red-white-blue
6 red 40 violet-brown 74 violet-white-blue
7 violet 41 pink-brown 75 pink-white-blue
8 pink 42 orange-brown 76 orange-white-blue
9 orange 43 transparent-brown 77 transparent-white-blue
10 transparent 44 beige-brown 78 beige-white-blue
11 beige 45 red-gray 79 gray-white-brown
12 black-white 46 violet-gray 80 red-white-brown
13 blue-white 47 pink-gray 81 violet-white-brown
14 brown-white 48 orange-gray 82 pink-white-brown
15 gray-white 49 transparent-gray 83 orange-white-brown
16 red-white 50 beige-gray 84 transparent-white-brown
17 violet-white 51 orange-red 85 beige-white-brown
18 pink-white 52 transparent-red 86 red-white-gray
19 orange-white 53 beige-red 87 violet-white-gray
20 transparent-white 54 pink-violet 88 pink-white-gray
21 beige-white 55 orange-violet 89 orange-white-gray
22 blue-black 56 transparent-violet 90 transparent-white-gray
23 brown-black 57 beige-violet 91 beige-white-gray
24 gray-black 58 transparent-pink 92 blue-white-red
25 red-black 59 beige-pink 93 brown-white-red
26 violet-black 60 transparent-orange 94 violet-white-red
27 pink-black 61 beige-orange 95 pink-white-red
28 orange-black 62 blue-white-black 96 orange-white-red
29 transparent-black 63 brown-white-black 97 brown-white-violet
30 beige-black 64 gray-white-black 98 orange-white-violet
31 brown-blue 65 red-white-black 99 brown-black-blue
32 gray-blue 66 violet-white-black 100 gray-black-blue
33 red-blue 67 pink-white-black 101 red-black-blue